In my last blog I mentioned that I will be staying until December....I meant to say that I am staying till December then going home for a wedding/christmas, and returning in January for work. So I still have a full time job out at the center and am so excited to stay a full winter in Alaska!
So here is what has happened in the past few days....
On Friday me and four other workers went to the Musk Ox farm in Palmer. We had a behind the scenes tour and learned how the musk ox were used for their Qiviut (pronounced kiv-ee-at).

This musk ox is "Safety" she is a 3 year old female.

This is the vehicle they use to herd the musk ox. The dents are from the bulls hitting the truck during rut. Rut is the time of year when all the male animals will be fitting for dominance over the females. The time will be here in a few weeks.
We then went to a book store. If there is one type of place that I miss having around it is a good ole used book store that I can spend all day in finding new reads. After I purchased a couple of novels, one being "The Help", we headed to lunch. When I woke up that morning I discovered a 20 dollar bill in my pocket! Don't you just love it when that happens....
So what did I get for lunch? Some good ole Mexican food. Oh it was so delicious!
We headed into Anchorage to run a few errands. I wanted to look at cameras. Since I will be living in Alaska now I will be needing a better camera. We had been in the mall for an hour or so when we got a phone call. There had been a terrible wreck on the Seward Highway. 3 cars were involved with 1 fatality, 2 critically injured and 14 total injuries. Please pray for the people involved in the wreck. Because of the wreck, the seward highway was closed until 7pm. So we were stuck in Anchorage. We decided to eat dinner and just hang around to kill time. So when 4:00 rolled around we got another call that the highway was closed till 10pm! So we went to see Cowboys vs. Aliens. Finally it was time to head home.
Saturday was a very busy work day! The moose calves were usual. The bears were out and about.
Last night we had our end of the year work party. It is really sad to see people leaving already.
Today I had a friend visit from Russia! She brought her family and I gave them a behind the scenes tour.

Inga was one of roomates in the dorm my freshmen year of college.
There was also a lady visiting that brought along a few pets with her....

This is a Taiwanese Beauty Snake named "Mercury". Sarah conqured her fear of snakes last year.

This is "Tiamat" who is a Argentine Tegu. Tegus are known as "beaded" lizards because of the way their skin feels. That's all I really know about these types of animals.

Vanessa is posing with her new friend who is An Alaskan Husky.
Well I will try to keep up better on the blogs!
Goodnight Lower 48,