Wow, sorry for the long absence. Our internet has been completely out! Once we got our first snow it was kaput! Let me fill you in on what has been going on in Portage,Alaska.
After Halloween we call around to see what pumpkins we can get donated from all the grocery stores in Anchorage. Matt, one of the maintenance guys, went to Anchorage 2 days in a row and brought back 8 pallets full of pumpkins!
This picture is only half of the pumpkins we received.
I was told that the moose really enjoy the pumpkins the most. I headed over to drop a few off to Jack and Chimo.
As soon as I placed 2 pumpkins on the ground Jack immediately started heading in my direction.
getting closer.....
ahhhhhh! the pumpkin is getting eaten! I don't think the pumpkin was very happy!
The next few days you could say we have had a bit of snow....This picture was taken as we were leaving Girdwood to pick up some mail.
A couple of days ago we had just fed the bears and I noticed an Eagle happened to get a scrap of moose. The eagle flew to the trees only to get pestered by 3 or 4 ravens.
The Eagle was getting chatty with the ravens....
Finally, after the food was gone, he just waited around to see if there were any more scraps.
2 days ago we had crazy snow! Well, crazy for a girl from Texas but normal for an Alaskan. This was the drive back from Anchorage for a town run.
We also stopped at Girdwood to check the mail...Oh did I mention I went to Anchorgae to get my Alaskan license!
Ok almost up to date...
Yesterday, Saturday, was our annual pumpkin feeding to the bears. Before the pumpkin feeding I fed snickers. He must have been very hungry, because he shoved his face right into the bowl.
Right after we fed snickers, we hurried over to the big bears to watch the pumpkin drop off.
Mike, our executive director was just pulling up in his tractor full of pumpkins.
He talked a bit to introduce the bears and make sure all the visitors had arrived.
ok time to toss the pumpkins....
Joe Boxer was the first bear to really get into the pumpkins. He had pumpkin all over his face!
Then he went all in! By the end of the hour both Joe Boxer and Hugo were covered in pumpkin. Hugo was rolling in it. Patron wasn't very interested in the pumpkins. I believe that she will start hibernating any day now. This may be the reason she isn't eating very much anymore.
Notice anything unusual.....
The bears weren't the only animals that got treats on Saturday. We had a friend donate $10 dollars that she wanted to see spent on treats for snickers and Jewelie. I made sure to at least get some avocados for snickers. I think he may actually love them more than corn or peanuts. We brought snickers into our gift store and let him run around a bit. Don't worry he didn't leave his smell on anything.
Goodnight Lower 48, ErIn