Thursday, October 18, 2012

School Programs have begun!

 And now it is time for bears to hibernate, tourists to return home, and Kiddos to see education programs!  To kick off the school season we had a fun packed day with the K-2nd graders from Girdwood Elementary.  We started off the day with a puppet show.  Sarah and Scott were the puppeters and did a great job!

Afterwards we divided into two groups.  Kelly and I did a porcupine presentation and a Caribou presentation; while Sarah and Scott took the other nuggets (little kids) on a hay ride.  -more to discuss about the hayride later.....

One thing the nuggets are going to be learning about is earthquakes.  Since we are at the center of where the 1964 earthquake happened we were in a good spot to show kids the effects from the earthquake.

Sarah and Scott were on the hayride.  Well the ride part lasted the first 10 minutes until the wagon broke down!  Here they were using tractors on both ends to fix it. 

 The kids were having a blast; especially since the Wood bison were surrounding the hayride thinking there was going to be food for them.  Talk about up close and personal with the bison....
They finalyy threw some pumpkins to the bison so thay couyld get back to work and fix the wagon.
We got about 6 pallets of pumpkins donated since they froze before the seller could actually sell them.  I think they were put to good use. 

Meanwhile back to the earthquake lessons....We have an old Portage cabin on property that is one of the last cabins remaining from the old Portage town site.  We keep a sign near it so that tourists can see the difference the earthquake made.  The ground sank 10feet during the earthquake!
Every year the cabin seems to fall apart a bit more...

Kelly then went back to the barn where we did our porcupine presentation and Kelly did a Caribou presentation. 

One of the last things we did before the nuggets hopped back on the bus was let all the teachers do a bottle feeding.  It turned out to be a gorgeous day for a field trip!  We ended their field trip by making these two musk ox calves very happy and full from their bottles. 
Well it's back to work and guess what....snow is here!!!!!!!  We have already had about 4 inches total.  The snow is actually sticking and I think it is here to stay for the next 5 months......oh boy I don't know if I am ready to give up warm weather already!
Goodnight Lower 48,

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