Ok so after realizing that downtown Anchorage has no free parking, I finally found a parking garage and then found a spot where I could even park the huge AWCC Tahoe. Then I headed over to the convention center. So right away I notice that there are only a hand full of people my age. I was definitely the youngest one there. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind at all. It was very exciting walking into a place full of strangers. Some people probably would not like this....but I love this! That's partly what made me so excited to be coming to Alaska. I love the idea of moving to a place where I don't know anyone. So anyways back onto the meeting thing. I met one of the AWCC's employees Ethan there. He was the one who told me I was going in the first place. So we get our name tags and enter the business cards for the door prizes at the end. As we sit down there are trays on our table. The waiters remove the tops to show us what our appetizers will be. Um, I still don't really know what it was that was on that plate. Now if you know me, you know that I am not a picky eater at all! Well, I just could not aquire a taste for this appetizer. From what I gether it was some type of Lentnil seeds. I don't even think that how you spell lentnil. Well it was some lettuce leaves arranged in the shape of a flower. And inside the leaves there were 4 different types of seeds. There was feta cheese arouns the leaves. Nope, It just wasn't my thing. But, that's ok because for lunch we had steak, potatoes, and zucchini. Now, again, if you know me you know that I am definitely a steak and potatoes girl! To top off the meal we had a rum pudding type thing with fresh fruit.
So the meeting had a few speakers. First, a guy that worked on the Iron Man race spoke about the race. The Iron Man is a 2000 mile race on snow machines. In the lower 48 you may know this as snow mobiles. Sarh Palin's husband has won this race, and will be a contender in this year's race. The race starts tomorrow. Next, we had a speaker on the Iditarod Race. This is a race where you have the dog sledding and mushers. This year it is a big deal because the same guy has won it the past four years! He is going for win number 5 which would break a record!
So a few more people spoke and then they had the drawings for the door prizes. And guess what....I won an Iditarod calendar signed by the official Iditarod photographer! Here's a picture... not a very good one though, sorry....
So anyways I went home and distributed the diets and now my day is coming to an end.
Until next time...
Goodnight lower 48
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