Hugo was out and about all day....yesterday
Even though it is my day off there is always something work related that needs to be done. I started my day off by feeding Gilly his 18oz bottle. How can anyone call feeding a baby moose work? First of all, it literally takes about 3 seconds for him to chug the entire bottle. Second, feeding a baby moose; come on how cool is that! Who wouldn't want to feed a baby moose! So after he took his bottle I did a little Father's Day shopping in the gift store.
We headed to Girdwood to mail a few things and stop at the mercantile. Around noonish we were making our way to Whittier. In order to get to whittier you have to pay $12 for the car to go through the whittier tunnel. The tunnel is about 2.5 miles long. Even if you live/work in the town you have to pay to use the tunnel! We were going to hike Portage Pass. It is about a mile and half hike that comes over the mountains over looking the Portage Glacier while you are actually standing in Whittier.
As we were admiring the scenery a couple of hikers also were viewing the Glacier. They offered to take a picture of our group. It is nice to always have something to do on my day off. Especially since I am an intern I am always looking for fun that is cheap or free! Living in Alaska is the place to be for adventures.
After the hike we stopped in at the Lazy Otter which is the local coffee joint. I was also doing some research on finding things for my family to do when they get here in 13 days! (but who's counting right?)
So after the coffee break we hopped in the car to make the 3:15 tunnel time. The tunnel is only a one way. So that means that every other hour it is open to go into Whittier and the other hours are open to leave. We either had to make it to the tunnel in 5 minutes or we would wait around for another hour. We made it in time to headback to the center. I think I will enjoy cathing up on some movie time tonight in the barn with the other interns and employes.
Goodnight Lower 48,
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