We finally had some sun break through the clouds today. After 4 straight days of rain it finally stopped and let me dry off. With the sun coming out I was running around every where trying to catch up on cleaning. The first thing I start my mornings off is still giving the calves their bottle. They are down to 3 bottles a day. However, I just did the last 11pm feeding! Starting tomorrow they are now down to 2 bottles a day! I can't believe they are already being weaned off of their bottles. It seems like just yesterday we were giving them 6 bottles a day! I thought 11pm was late; I still remember when we were feeding them at 3AM! I will post some pictures of them next post so you can see how big they are.
With the animals being in rut we have to seperate the elk. The five bull elk that are not with the females are in the same enclosure as the moose! You may also notice that Jack, the moose, has finally shed his velvet. He was the last deer to shed.
Two days ago we recieved the vegetables from the Palmer fair. The vegetables are from the competitions. This picture is a head of lettuce! It must have weighed about 40 pounds!
Since the sun was out I went to visit Jewelie. I also gave her enclosure a good cleaning. I added some carrot and apple to her grain. Of course, she gobbled it right up.
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