Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Yesterday, I had a porcupine presentation in Whittier.  It was Snickers first trip through the whittier tunnel. 

I did a presentation to the pre-school/kindergardeners first.  Then, I went and introduced Snickers to the junior high/highschoolers.  The whole school only has 37 kids!  I graduated with 1,063 seniors in my highschool!  That is more than the entire town of whittier!  You can see the kid in yellow on the bottom row is holding Stanley. 

After we got back from the presentation I still needed to feed the owls.  This time I wanted to capture the feeding on camera.  I was feeding them one quail each.  The first owl to usually eat is the female.  In birds of prey the females are typically larger than the males.  Our female,Snappy, loves to fly to the hollowed log on top of the enclosure.  The male, Hooty, usually eats the mice/or quail off of the lower branches of their tree. 
                            Here, Hooty is jumping down to the branch with the quail placed on it. 

After the female grabbed the quail from the upper log she flew to another perch.  You can see her holding the quail with her talons.

I really liked this picture!  The male usually holds onto his food a bit longer than the female.  He was holding the quail with his talons.  The way he was holding it makes it look like it is standing up just under him. 
Today at work the moose calves went into a Banana coma.  We used an entire palet of bananas to distribute through the center today.  At the end of the day Jonathan and I went to feed them bananas.  They had just been fed some of the bananas from the pallet.  They were so full that they didn't even get up to greet us!  This was definitely a first.  Jonathan wanted to take advantage of this opportunity and take some snap shots with us standing in between the calves.  I also had to get a picture with my man Gilly.
 Nelson is on the right and Gilly on the left.  Nelson was even burping a little.  The moose had banana breath.  I think it is safe to sy that they may be sick of bananas for at least a day or so.  Well ok, so maybe only a few hours or so till they are ready for more bananas. 
Tomorrow we will see just how excited they are to get more bananas.  Until then.....Goodnight lower 48...and Hawaii

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Work ! Fantstic !

    Aldo ( Brazil )

