Yesterday I had the AM bear shift. The bears were being very difficult to wake up. I had to yell their names, and throw food in for about an hour and a half before they finally made an apperance. Until then, our coyote was loving the hotdogs.

Joe Boxer and Hugo decided to hang out on the logs.
Here is a closer pic....

Joe Boxer came up to the fence to try and show off for a treat.

For a while all three bears were hanging out right in the front. Patron is in the back on the right. The day ended with out any bears or other animals escaping so I guess it was a good day. The weather in Portage could not be any better. In fact, we have had so much sunlight that we actually need a little rain to help with all the dust.
After working another AM shift at the bears; I was able to feed the moose calves at 4pm. I also gave them some fresh fireweed.
After the calves had their afternoon bottle they were down for a food coma. Gilly is on the right and Nelson on the left.
The first thing I did this morning was help another intern scoop bison pies off of the road path. We have been opening their pens at night so they can get the grass growing around the center. This also helps their enclosure to grow the grass back faster.
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