I also gave Snickers some fireweed and an Alder branch.
The moose calves got their daily willow. They buried their faces in the branches as soon as I put them in there.
Gilly is on the right and Nelson on the left.
At the end of the day we were asked to feed the big bears. I have been here almost 6 months and never even thought to ask if I could feed the bears! We loaded buckets up some donated Salmon that we got that day, and headed over to the enclosure. Just as we got there a tour bus happened to be unloading. The tourists really enjoyed watching the bears eat the salmon.
Joe Boxer was waiting very patiently for me to throw him some fish.
There was also a really big salmon head that I knew they would love.
We also had a load full of Crabapple branches that were donated at the end. We loaded up the truck and distributed the branches out. First stop, the musk ox!
Doug Lindstrand, the photographer for our center, sent me some photos that he took around the center.

Taquka knows the command "up". This helps us check out their stomach if we see anything unusual.
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