I decided that since I am staying in Alaska a bit longer than I expected that I needed a nicer camera to capture my time up here. I had to run a few errands today after work. After a quick trip to Best Buy and a beautiful drive home I was able to put my new toy to the test.
I didn't drive back so I took a few snap shots on the drive back to the center.
The sky was blue, the mountains had snow on the tops, and the sun was out.
This is probably one of the last sunny days of the year. We could even be getting snow tomorrow night!
The mountains have snow on the top 1/3 of the mountain.

As soon as I got back to the center I knew exactly who I wanted to get pictures of....

Nelson and Gilly! They still needed to get their daily brush. When I went to cut the willow and alder; I realized there is only a few days left of cutting brush. Everything is starting to die. The calves also have only a few days left of bottles. They now get about 44 oz. bottles. Every day we add water to the bottles and take away formula so that they can be slowly weaned.
After feeding the calves I wanted to go to my favorite spot at the center, black bear mountain.

Eventually, I hope to get a panoramic view of this spot.

I still had to feed the birds. Hooty and Snappy were getting 8 mice today. Hooty, the female, almost always eats first.
Snappy, the male, prefers to eat the mice from the lower branches.
Tomorrow I will have another day of work outside, and that means another day of getting lots of pictures!
Also, 2 weeks till I go to Minnesota!!!!!!
Goodnight lower 48,
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