This young bull seemed to be enjoying his fresh hay.
The bear cubs were running around in the sunlight. It seems that all the animals were also taking advantage of one of the last sunny days of the year. In this picture Shaggy seems to be as big as Hugo; our 11 year old grizzly.
Taquka did the opposite......he went to splash around in the water.
I went in with the lynx when I noticed that they were actually moving around in their enclosure. When I went in Kaltag immediately was interested in what I was doing. You can really see the notch on Kaltag's right ear. This is how they are able to identify between the two sisters.
We just received a fresh crate of tangerines from Costco a few days ago. The musk ox were enjoying a recent delivery of the tangerines.
Joe Boxer was also munching on some left over moose. He stayed and played with it in the water for the next 20 minutes. I was able to get a series of shots of him playing with the bones.
In this first picture he was hanging out by the bears' favorite spot in the whole lake.
Here he would drop the bone and swim under water to find it again.
Last, he was finally throwing the bone around and splashing around in the water.
P.S. Just learned how to use my Panoramic Maker...
We call this spot at the end of the property "The Point"
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