Tuesday, April 17, 2012

quick shout out

Ok, ok, so I feel kind of bad because I totally forgot to mention a key person in our Easter event.....
After I posted my last blog about Easter; I was told that I left out our hot dog griller...Jeremy Coleman.
So, Jeremy, here is a thank you for all the help grilling 200 hot dogs for over a hundred hungry kids!

Also, I would like to mention that Jeremy donated 3 of his bananas that were going bad to our animals....now when I say "going bad"  I mean they are just right for 2 moose calves named Gilly and Nelson.  Jack the moose however prefers his bananas to be more on the green side.  When ever we get fruit donations it is always appreciated since we are a non-profit organization.  It is also very helpful since some of our animals, like our porcupine and moose, are used for hands on presentations and we can train them using treats for these programs. 

 Kat Jacobs, another employee, received a $10 donation from her mother on valentine's day to use for the animals.  I finally was able to make it to the grocery store and buy a few special treats with the donation.  Thanks again for the donation Mrs. Jacobs! 
 Here is Jewelie with a donated grapefruit and carrots....
 I think she liked the grapefruit...what do you think?

Of course Snickers knew he was getting something special as well; once the calves got their bananas...
 He actually preferred the carrots over the grapefruit first!  Now don't get me wrong; he still ate the grapefruit...just after his carrots and walnuts.  We are also giving him ample willow supplies, along with the moose, since the willow is budding and the wild porcupine and moose are starting to eat brush this time of year as well. 

 Today is another day off.  The weather has been kind of yucky the past few days; which explains an absence of blogging.  I am finding that I am getting pickier and pickier with taking my camera out on days with the sun missing.  I guess when you have a hard drive filling up as fast as mine is it is hard to keep pictures that even have a tiny bit of fencing or blur to them.  Kat works at a coffee shop in anchorage a few days a week.  I decided that it would be nice to spend a day at a coffee shop blogging, emailing, and maybe a quick trip to REI next door...(That could be dangerous)  Well, maybe I should try to get some work done will the coffee kick is going strong....

Tomorrow should be a sunny day in good ole Portage, AK.

 Goodnight Lower 48,

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