Tuesday, April 3, 2012

a bit more shoveling and a birthday party......

 Well, just when we thought we were done shoveling; we had to shovel a bit more ice off of the back ramp. This way when they build the new roof over the ramp they won't have huge chunks of ice in their way.  At one point, the entire ramp was covered by a pile of ice and snow as tall as the pile to the left!

Now that spring has finally decided to show up in April; all the snow is melting but has no where to go.  Rick, our handy man, has spent entire days just driving the tractor around the center and plowing the roads. 

 Speaking of Rick, it was his birthday on April Fools Day so we wanted to have a party in his honor.  I had heard that he had never had red beans and rice.  So he held me to my word that I would cook it for him.  It started out as me just making dinner for the bunkhouse crew to the right and then it just seemed to turn into a celebration!  We also thought that this would be a good time to introduce the Portage area of Alaska to a little game that we play in the bunkhouse....Just Dance on Wii!

I think you could say everyone had a go at the game....even Rick was convinced to give it a try....

 Things did heat up when high scores were threatened.....
 By the end of the night the remaining people playing the game ended up being just the good ole bunkhouse crew.  I guess no one else could hang with us....

Today, April 3, I was in the ticket booth on such a beautiful and warm day.  Now the common temperature is about 35 degrees.  It seems like a hot summer day compared to 0 degrees!

 Rick, of course, has still been plowing away at the slushy roads.  As he was driving by I caught him in action. 
 He even posed for me....

We have the Alaska train go right by our center just about every day.  The good thing about being in the ticket booth today was that I was able to take a snap shot with the mountains and the train.
 It sat parked on the tracks for about an hour for whatever reason. 

Later, Jonathan threw in a bale of straw for the kodiak bears and Taquka loved tearing the entire bale apart and backing it into his house.  Well, I know they will sleep well tonight with that fresh straw in their house.  And just like them; I too will sleep great tonight!

Goodnight Lower 48,

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