Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Picture with Mr. Doug

The past 2 days I have had days off.  I have been meaning to get a snapshot of Doug Lindstrand and I holding our copies of the Anchorage Daily Newspaper with our pictures on the front page.  Last week, one of my bear photos made the front page; as I mentioned before.  The next day Doug Lindstrand had his photo of a Great Grey Horned Owl on the front page.  I immediately got copies of each paper.  Doug even autographed his picture for me!  One day I plan on framing these newspapers together. 

 Unfortunately, I was not lucky enough to have sunny days off....but I am not complaining.  After Doug and I got the picture; he was back to work on taking photos around the center.  I went to visit snickers.  It's not the best picture of him, but I wasn't about to get smelly from getting to close to him.  You can see how high the snow around him is.  Since then we have had about another foot of snow added to that just over night!

Today, I was walking to the gift store to get some internet time.  This picture definitely do it justice but we have some much darn snow at the center!  We were actually closed today.  In about 24 hours we have had almost 2 feet of snow!  Good thing it was my day off.  The boys were out shoveling all day long.  When we get this much snow we have to make sure that snickers is unburied, the animals can't walk over the fence (Bison), and just plowing the roads to get ready for tomorrow.  Everyone that owned a car was shoveling around their cars so that it doesn't turn to ice and become even harder to shovel. 

 As I was almost to the gift store Jonathan had just fed Taquka and Shaguyik.  We are now feeding them consistantly everyday now.  They are officially done hibernating.  They are still a bit slower, but hey, I guess I would be in that much snow.  It was hard enough for me to make it out of the bunkhouse and down to the giftstore. 

Shaguyik is enjoying her pile of food.  I tried to get them to look up, but they were more interested in their food.  I don't think I would want someone taking a picture of me as I was eating...who can blame them. 

 Shaggy was just making sure Taquka's food was the same as hers.  I have noticed that we now have to give the male, Taquka, his food first.  He is definitely the more dominant one now.  About a year ago when I arrived Shaggy was in charge.  However, Taquka has learned that he is now the bigger bear. 

Well, tomorow I am working in the ticket booth.....that is if we aren't buried in snow.  We are almost at a record breaking snowfall this year.  Hopefully, we get internet at the bunkhouse tomorrow.  It would make blogging so much easier and I would be able to post more often.  Well, readers, please keep your fingers crossed for me that internet finally arrives!  I have about runout of movies and television shows on dvds to watch!

Good night Lower 48,

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