Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Walter and ?

Sorry I have spaced out these blogs a bit more than I have liked.  I have been so busy with not only Walter, the nearly 2 week old musk ox, but we now have a second musk ox calf!  We have yet to name him, hint the title of the blog, but we definitely have a few ideas in mind.

Here is Walter at 1 day old before we took him into our care in order to provide him with more nutrients that mom was not able to provide. 
                                                  photo courtesy of Doug Lindstrand
Walter in his new enclosure.....
                                                       Photo Courtesy of Doug Linstrand
Boy, with these 2 little guys time sure has flown!

New calf number 2!
Any name suggestions?  We were thinking Hamm?

I can't imagine what we are gonna do if we get any orphaned moose calves!

This summer sure is going to be a busy one; but a fun one!!!!

Raising any orphans or calves as young as the musk ox there are protocols that we must follow.  In order to make sure we don't bring any illness into the musk ox calf enclosure; or out, we must always wear gloves, bleach our shoes before and after the bottle feedings, clean their enclosure every few days, and even use a specified sponge on their dishes.

Kat and I did the 8PM bottle feeding last night, and I was FINALLY able to grab some photos.  Walter is on the left of us.  You can tell he is very comfortable and curious with us.  

We have also been weighing them every other day to make sure they are gaining the proper weight; and therefore getting the proper amount of formula.  If we were to give them too much they could get sick.  Their stomachs are very sensitive; the formula is fairly high in lactose so we do weigh out the powder when mixing their bottles.

For now they are getting 6 bottles a day!  So every four hours they are given a bottle; which means I better hurry out to the 8AM bottle feeding!,0,6060987.story

Goodnight Lower 48,

1 comment:

  1. Hey, long time no see!

    Glad to see you're still posting. You have the most interesting job and you are really good at storytelling. Those little guys are soooo cute (for now)! I'd name him Kimo. :-)

    Got your postcard & have one ready to go back to you, but broke my leg right before my birthday. I just got out of the hospital a few days ago, so will send it off when i can hobble to the post office.

    Take care,

