Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Finally another sunny Day! What a great day to have the sun out. I have been here just over 2 weeks and this is the 2nd day we have not had wind, rain, or both at the same time. However, the 2 sunny days sure make up for the 12 other yucky days.

                                      I thought the mountain looked beautiful covered by fog. 

Even the animals were peaking out of their enclosures.

Snickers was enjoying his orange and cauliflower.

Jewelie doesn't really like cauliflower so I gave her some lettuce instead.

Jonathan and I have started our education programs recently. I snapped this photo of Jonathan during our Bones and Fur presentation.  Jonathan is holding a snowshoe hare skull.  The kids are trying to guess what they think the animal is. 

 We do a program called bones and fur where we divide kids into about 4 groups. They are typically fourth and fifth grade ages. They will get a skull and additional clues throughout the presentation to learn what their animal is. They learn how determine differences between herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores by looking at types of teeth. They learn about prey or predators by looking at the eyes. They can even tell if some animals are young or old, male or female.

Next week will be a very busy week for us. We will be doing a porcupine presentation for over a hundred kids at once! I made 3 batches of play doh this morning so that the younger kids can make their own porcupine at the end of the presentation. The use spaghetti noodles to represent the quills on their play doh porcupine.

The third program that we do is a puppet show. We teach younger kids about the story of our black bear named Kuma. We also teach about bear/moose safety.

Today is my day off and it is windy and rainy outside.  I sure can't wait for the sun to come out again and stay out!  My bed looks awfully cozy on days like today.  I think I will hop back in bed and enjoy a nice hot cup of tea!

Goodnight Lower 48,

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